IPW for Sec 2


NO LESSONS for 1 whole WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only project work in groups, but I like super unlucky lor, my group leader is student counciler but he is a poor leader lor. The members all slack then to get the work flowing, I have to assign the roles and things our leader should be doing lor. So tiring......... how siah to last 1 week like this. I go take lousy role in the group then now like become leader. Arghhhhhhhh........

I am going to get SUPER STRESS now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I though that the whole week I can slack and rest but now how to slack siah?????

We doing drama about Lim Bo Seng then I suppose to write the script now but I doing almost everything. Some of them maybe not slacking but still lah. Hope I will still have energy lor to continue playing my PS3 and other commitments.

I hope our group can finish this project and quickly so that I can start resting. If got more of project work, I hope they give us longer time and easier project so that I can be allowed to slack.

Now can afford to relax a bit as my job is not needed now so I must make use of my time.

No matter what might happen, this "learning process" is cool and fun and relaxing. So...........


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