The Month Of August

This month is difficult month for many lor.

So many are sick, exhausted, and undergoing trails!!!

D.I, I believe is going to benefit a lot after this though I do not know when it might end lor. God is testing us and we all need to see what is important. We are reaching this cross-road and we must be united as one and go the right path that leads to Heaven. Many are fearful, many are tired and many have issues to settle. We are indeed going a new direction. My cell group are having problems, many of them. Jun Hoong is undergoing trails, we are behind you brother and waiting for your return, Justin is backsliding, we need to bring him back before another Wei Kiat case happens. Isaac has exams to study and has not join us, I am unsure whether he is backsliding lor. Hao Bing, finally something good, seems to be a bit more serious which is good, when we went handbilling, he was serious but he still has a long way to go. He needs to manage his emotions and not be impatience. Nicholas ah, a busy man I should say lor, but he is a leader to be soon, I may be next in line.



Me ah. Erm...................

I have got so much things to do. This cell group needs my help. God has called me. I need to strength them. United them. We need to grow together. So I don't think Jun Hoong's cell should bring friends, we have not expand for sooooooo..... long. But we should united together first so that went one falls, another person can help him up. And that maybe this problem will not happen again.

Erm...... I hope you know where I am heading at ah. I am not a cell leader so if you think it is wrong, plz feel free to write on my tagboard.

The spiritual beast which is going to lose in the end is attacking. We must now stand firm in the word of God. Wear the armour of God. If not, be prepare to be wounded.

Lets do what we can to help each other. I really need direction, so does Nicholas too lor(I think). I want this trail a success a not a failure, k? So my cell, plz co-operate.


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