Day of His Power

That day, something happen to me.

I was tired, exhausted after my IPW lor, I went but was to fall asleep lor, i tried many methods of trying to walk out but none of them work, none manage to wake me up fully lor.

Only when I step inside the Max Pavillion(if correct spelling) then I felt, ok, I am awake time for me to see God, to felt him and to return to him. On that day, I was angry, tiring and was not exactly happy lor. I could not worship god fully, I was not feeling his present, only later on was I able to worship again with all of my heart.

My attitude has change, we must NOT look down on people who come form 3rd world countries as they play a huge role in the development of our country. I want you to look arond you, do you see buildings and other things. They are build by them. We, Singaporean, have denied them of their rightful wages. We should repent. We should seek their fogiveness, they have taken dangerous jobs, we have also overworked them and you still call them names. Why do you do so????

I hope you can see it. They should be a part of us not strangers to us, we should include them not exclude them.

Later on, Si'er told me something that I could feel, I felt the urge to do it but it means scarificing others things but I was not sure. He told me something, that I now MUST take up the responsibilty to step up. Do help ease the burden of my cell leader. F.Y.I - We are still waiting for you lor. God is almighty, seek refuge in him man. I have a calling, I MUST fulfil it before it is to late.

p.s : I feel like a cell leader, a very young one. I now await the the return of Jun Hoong to give us a direction. So waiting and waiting and still waiting.......


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