A Super Bad Day

Today has made me super angry le. Sad, Angry, Vexed and many more other emotions lor.

Today, my school celebrated Teacher's Day by running a 2.8 km cross country race. And you can guess what position I got if I tell you I was so close.

So have you guessed?? I am first in my class just like my 2.4 km run for my nafa test. But I just miss out on a trophy!!!!!!!!!!!! The top 20 people will get a trophy but I got 21th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wat siah..... I run and run, run til my toe bleed and only get a collar pin!!! What the f....ish man!!!! I was so close again to getting my 5th medal this year and reach my goal this year to win 5 medals!!!! And now, I have only 4 meadls and now the pre-season tournament that will be played during the december holidays is currently very important as it seems to me that that is my last hope of getting my last medal and reaching my goal. BUT the tournament is for the best 5 schools in Singapore and Australia to compete in so what are the chances of winning there since the current sec 3 that were playing for Mr Ng, most of them never come already and now Mr Razak has to get other sec 3 who are interested to join.*Sigh* My 5th medal might not come.

Now, for somemore bad news, Sports School has just proposed to our C'division soccer captain!!!!!!!! I had very very angry. He accepted the form!!! So he might be going!!!! And now how do I get to dream of becoming National Champions!!!!!! He has lead us to many times then now he is going to leave us!!!! He is usually the man of the match. A prize asset for the Soccer team. And now, we cannot count on him anymore!!!! I am very angry with Sports School. They just take in players and players. Take all the god players and leave the lousy ones to the rest then when the compete, they win. The newspaper will be biase and say that the sports school train very hard which they do and keep on praising them but always forget that they take all the strong players!!!!!!!!

Now the soccer team is in deep trouble but we have to wait and see what happens though I have a feeling he will stay as last year he turn down an offer to go sports school. But we may never know coz things don't happen the same twice [usually].


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