IPW ends on 08.08.08

Wow, time has past so fast

Now, I have to bring so many books to school again *sigh*

It has been a week of fun, hardwork and slacking. How much has our group bonded together, so many problems have occured, so much frustration we felt with each other but still we somehow manage to stay united. How others studens from the normal stream tried condemning us how they commended how lousy our work was and trying to break up our team. How much patience God has, how does he love everyone that was like me during primary school, how does he manage to forgive me of all my sin. And how I hate my past self but God manage to bring me together to become what I am today. Lord, you are such an almighty God which is just unimaginable. How big is your heart and the love you just gives us like that.

Well, I want my pizzahut!!! I hope we do get a good grade and then I can start eating my treat only after my national semi's and final/ third and fourth placing.

I hope that the work that has been done played off and we really win a award then got treat even if not, the play made a lot of peploe laugh including us, it was not so historical but more of a joke lor.

The last day, a lot of things happen, we were about to finish, onlt edit play and print posters and flyers but we cannot download the play inside the computer only ater a long try then we pass it to Mr Razif to help us edit but somehow, our group leader past wrong disc so not editing done. I want to cry. Then we also forgot to return back to class for our teacher at 12.30 pm to access us on our work as we thought it was 1.30 pm lor again another mistake and how siah??

But luckily, Mrs Ow say we tio access on Fri lor so HOD access us, so scary! On Fri, we also edit then only manage to edit to scenes out of 4 so, in scene 3 and 4 people see the NG shots lor, so joker lor.

Now, our results are unknown, my pizzahut treat is also unknown and all these thngs again are in God's control.


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