Cafe Cartel


Can you believe that I just sppent 65 cents for my lunch!!!

I had inter-house soccer games today and we won 3rd after fighting sec 3s lor, we all sec 2 only siah. But that is not the content and I think this blog entry is short lor. Today, we went to Cafe Cartel at IMM lor coz on Sunday is OGM , our gay monitor. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TO YAN HONG!! You are 14, so you no chance of getting silver for nafa test le. Haha......I think I next year also fail le coz cannot do chin up. The standard kind. ( I better continue)

So we went to cafe cartel at IMM and we "so called" celebrated our Gay Monitor birthday. There was 5 of us and I follow coz I go for the free flow of bread. Haha... Only 3 people bought the food so me and Clement go for the free bread. We like typical Singaporean lor. We showed the typical Singaporean Spirit by taking about 2-3 loafs of bread. Gary lah, take so many. I take for everyone then you go take for yourself then no bread, you stupidly go take the fake bread. Those made of plastic, you can eat ma??? You really joker man.......

So we ate slowly but only me eat very fast coz I need to leave for the school inter-house soccer games. I ate so much but still feel so hungry. I thought eat bread good, and filling but why I feel like I never eat lor. I eat until 2.30 pm then go off but we only settle down at 2.18 pm. I like eat what siah.......

I remember eating so much. Apply butter, apply tata sauce, apply ketchup, apply like a super desperate guy but the bread very plain wat. I eat so much then they say I drowning myself with food coz still sad after the National Final lost. Wat a joke lor!!! Haha...........

So I spent just 65 cents coz bread also got cost. About $1.49 then add GST become $2+ then we all spit lor. But i really hope cafe cartel does not changes their free flow of bread. So got lunch that cost 65 cent again. Haha......


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