Freedom Fest!!

Freedom Fest!!!!!

All must come!!!!! There is a surpise in store for you!!! So come please!!!!

Got the launch of the new band!! So all must come!!! But I so wonder?? Who is in it??? Me??? Will I be?? (I tink most likely bah)

Come and find out if you believe that I will be in the new band!!! Coz me already know the answer but I will not tell you all!! I want it to be a surpise!!! Plz!!! I urge everyone to come!! Plz!!! I already book your 28th and 29th of november!!! Come ah!!!! I heck care le.

Now, this is the blog entry:


Finally!! Freedom Fest is arriving!!! Soon it will be tomorrow!! I hope not so soon coz me think me not ready leh. But no matter what, I am getting very hyper le. Can't wait!! The fire is burning!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes!!! Finally!!! The new band will show itself le. Me wait super long lor. It better do well!!! BETTER!!!! Haha.....better not pressure it!!! Later the band member come whack me sia. Me got enough injuries le.
I so wonder...... what is the name?? I heard it is cal the P.E band sia, seems interesting!!!!

Ok, this entry is not very long. Got nothing much to say ah!! Just telling the whole world know that there is this Freedom Fest coming up and so, everyone. Plz try and come!!! Thx

Hm......... it seems that now this blog advertise stuff, next thing tell the whole world who my girlfriend is. LOL!!!!( that will be if I ever do get one coz I doubt. Haha..... being damn lame sia)

P.S More more info: Go to Destiny Impact website la!!!


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