Boring Post-Exams Activities

*SIAN*!!!!!! Me currently very bored leh. The post exams activities are even more boring than now school days sia. Coz we can't play poker cards, cannot use handphone, cannot do this and that sia. No freedom to do what you like sia. Not fair!!!!

I think I maybe start riot ba. Haha........ this is even worse then after PSLE sia. Then we play Duel Master Trading Card Game. I know it is super lame but that was when me small boy. Mentally not matured yet. Not grow taller coz me feel very shorter sia. No insults, Yan Hong!! Haha........ confirm tio whack le.

Then today, the past exams activities very boring de. Though it educates the students but now exams over le. Who would want to learn???

The school invited some drama group to perform then the topic is smoking. They stupid or wat?? I think they already know that my school got a lot of smokers such as me seeing where they do so when I was walking home to get my soccer stuff. What the!!!! Like dumb sia. You think they will stop by knowing what will happen to them la. They all dumb what, even soccer players can smoke. Very bad case man, my school has!!!

You twist and turn the wire trying to make a pattern sia. Then everytime I try, cannot make it de. Try and try till give up then go sleep. Haha..... me very naughty de. Maybe cheeky is the better word.

Then I got emo coz everywhere I go, I see people smoking. And the drama group said that if teenagers start continue smoking, they may not evn live until 30 years old!!! They got super short life but still people smoke. *Sian*. I think my neighbours Father died coz of smoking at a tender age la. His fault but I just wonder where is he now??? That is an interesting question.

Hm......... I wonder......... when will smoking be banned?? The government want us to produce more babies so that our population growth will increase BUT they do not banned smoking so people will die fast than produce new life. Dumb people. I know that the revenue you get for people smoking is a lot but isn't the health of the people more important????? I question you!!! Think about it carefully, do not let your greed overwhelmed you!!!!

So people, plz reframed from smoking. I hate it!! I hate seeing them!!!!! Dumb people!!! Don't follow!!!!


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