Liverpool Rocks!!!!!

YES!!!!!!! LIVERPOOL ROCK!!!!!!!!!!

Ole Ole Ole.......

Liverpool are such a great team!!!! Great comebacks!!!!! Losing a gaol down, they come back to win the game!!!

Liverpool!!!! A great motivation to me!!! To play soccer and win after you are losing is indeed very difficult!!!!! I will explain to you why it is so.

Firstly, when you play soccer at a high level and fast pace. It is very very very difficult to score a goal!!! So when you score a goal, it is like you just won a piece of pure gold!!! So when you are a goal down, you always feel down if you cannot score back coz it means you are going to lose. So I ask you, do you like to lose??? No rite!!!

Secondly, you will confirm get discourage if you try and try to get back but can't do it, like here you can't score. You will soon not try your best to get back in the game coz you think that you will not be able to do it. That is a lie from the devil. He tell lies to everyone and some people(some fools!!) believe does lies!!! It is super frustrating to see those things happen. It is like some schools who played against us. It helps us coz we win and go through to the next round but I feel sad coz their may be better schools who can beat us(not Singapore Sports School!! They suck!!! They will not defeat us coz now, we will go more than 100% to beat them!!!) I am so happy for us that we usually do not need to do with those lies but we still have a mental battle to fight lah!!! So no matter wat, you have a menatl battle to fight and sometimes you just give in.

Thirdly, when you feel tired, it is more difficult to fight against the metal battle so the longer you can't score, the less you will try. And liverpool always score LATE goals which show they have a great fighting spirit!!!

Liverpool now has character!! Good fighting spirit!!! They teach me and show me that it is possible to win a match no matter what happens!!! Until the game ends, you fight to the end!!!! Just like the christian walk, you fight for your lord till the end, till your death!!!!!!!!!!

The liverpool greatcomebacks this season:

It was Manchester City [2] Liverpool [0] before half time.

Then Manchester City [2] Liverpool [3]!!!

It was Manchester United [1] Liverpool [0] in just 3 minutes!!! Can you believe it!!!

But Manchester United [1] Liverpool [2]!!!!! This is years!! since liverpool defeated manchester united in the EPL!!!

Now, there is Wigan [2] Liverpool [1] at half-time!! A team take has never won the big four!!!! Then suddenly Wigan [2] Liverpool [3] !!!! It was just amazing!!!! Scoring goals, fighting back to win!!! It iis like you have just come back from the dead!!! It is so cool!!!!!!

So support LIVERPOOL!!! Haha........ thus is not the motivite behind this entry. It is the principles and the mental strength and character we should take and learn then apply!!!!!

So learn them, apply them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S there are more Liverpool great comebacks only me never write coz now very late le.


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