Streesed Up!!

Oh man, I should be happy that I am getting less busy currently but once it reaches the month of december, there I go again.... Becoming so busy!! *Sigh*

Well, it feels good to be back at D.I but it feels super sad that there is no PE Band meeting at all currently, so how do we leading worship in the near future?? Well, I am feeling kinda down because of this thing and the fact that I am so busy in December that I miss the most important days!!! of the D.I X-factor camp!! :( I might not be leading worship with PE Band, it seems.. Oh man.. *Sigh* How I want to join in!! :(

Then now, we are kinda facing crisis for the 29 November thingy coz the practice or rehersal days are on saturdays and wednesdays.. Equals missing D.I and the bowling thingy and then rushing down from soccer to help.. Kinda means I am going to be exhuasted!! But at the same time, I am wondering whether I am doing the right thing coz Si'er says, we must be focus!! Jesus called us to evangelise!! And if we miss the bowling tournament, we are missing an evangelism event which means we have not put the main thing, the main thing!!!

I really don't know, if helping out is the right thing. Though it is the urgent thing tht pastor can approach us and kinda beg us to help.. But it is truely the most important thing.. ??

Then I don't know why, but I having a lot of probs!! That even when I cry out!! I feel nothing like as though something is happening to me, and I am powerless to stop it!!

I thinking I am going from emotionally unstable to the breaking point!! GG... I just can't cheer myself up, I believe that there are more problems that are also getting me more worked up..

*Sigh* :(


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