New Year Resolution

OMG!!!! I feel enlighten all of a sudden!!

Well, like I have said before. I have not thought of new year resolutions, but after today. I perhaps have them now..

Well, unlike normal new year resolutions that last for a year. My resolutions are goals that will take a few years or a lifetime to complete...

For example, my new year resolution for Rhema is not really a new year. I has been the same since 2009, which is to see each and every single boy grow deeper in God spiritually and see us grow as a cell group. It has not change since 2009 and I won't be changing it in 2012! So as you can see, its not a 1 year thing. This resolution might take 1 years, 20 years or a lifetime but hey, this is what I call a proper new year resolution. Not like some, I want do well for A's resolution -.- (Ok, actually, I also want do well for A's but at the end of the day, that cert is a valuable as my Chinese Language. Totally useless!!)

Hence, my resolutions are to stick to the old ones!! Haha!! And what are they?? Perhaps some needed editing so I have done so..

For Rhema, I want to see every boy grow to love God, to grow deeper in the knowledge of God, and to see the cell multiply. Disclaimer, I won't be able to do this via my own strength. But throught God, this is possible!!

For Encounter Service Team (EST), I want to keyboard skills but here comes the additions. Here is the goal. I want to play music from the keyboard that is able to move the hearts of people. Not just nice meaningless melodies, but music that can move hearts.. Well, moving hearts, is something only God can do so, again, I need him in this department. So its no more just wanting to improve aimlessly.. :D

For Soccer, its the same as last year. Just to enjoy playing the game. This will be my last year playing for JJC, and might be the last time I touch the ball competitively, thus, I just want to give my all and have fun.. :D

As for my individual self, I do have many goals, many resolutions. Some I can share, and some I won't on this blog....

I want to feel God, I want a fresh touch from God, to be transformed. I want to be more patient (after what happen last year, I still do blame myself at times for it hence I want to change!!), I want to be more people orientated, not task orientated.. And well, a lot more that I will not share... 

So yupyup, that most of them, and may God help me!!.. This are not one off goals, there will could take years.. :/


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