
Flashbacks... They are somethings that will never leave me.

Well, hi peeps, you should able to tell what I will be talking about right?

Hm.. I hope that most of you know what I am talking about,  and that you do know that my brain tends to remember things pretty well. I don't know why, but I am usually able to recall things very well.. Mmm.. A reason why I am able to do so, is becaus eI like to replay the scene in  my brain everyday before I sleep.. :/

Well, so I am able to recall the memories I have, the happy and the sad ones. I remember Pei Xuan saying that we do not forget our past, or we don't forget the bitter ones. Hm.. I think its true, the bitter ones where the ones that cut us, or perhaps some scar us. These are our memories, our life, and truly precious because they made us into being who we are today, how we might react in certain situation and such.

But it brings to my next point. These memories tend to flood my brain at times. Especially if I decide to take a bus ride, and blast music into my ears. Some are epic, some are painful, some are happy. But usually, the sad ones tend to return more often then not. Sometimes, the memory is so vivid, its so detailed and you actually feel like its dejavu! And I would start trying to run away, like trying to wake myself up from this flashback. I try to run away, and have been trying to run away. Giving excuses on why those things happened, trying to comfort myself and all, and simply trying to run away. 

Well, everyone says its a new year, its time to let go of the past. But it that really possible?! I can't do it! I simply can't. Its like a battle constantly being fought and its affects me outwardly at times. Thats why I am a guy that would sometimes prefer a lonely journey home to try and embrace it instead or I don't take a bus. I am not sure if you understand what I am saying but in layman's terms, its this:

When will we (I believe some of you will feel the same way too) stop running away from those unpalatable memories, those that have perhaps scar us, and start to embrace them? I remember watching "KungFu Panda 2", and it was talking about letting go. Isnt it time to embrace them, stop running away, stop letting those events become barriers for you! Mistakes are meant to be made, painful events were meant to happen for a reason. Its life, embrace it and stop running. 

Its a new year, a new start. I have not made any resolution. I haven't thought about them yet, so oh well. 2012 kinda came too fast? Haha!! Happy 2012!! Lolll (No link to the post)


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