With Everything

Hey guys!! As u can see, I haven't really being blogging. Just posting up some video for you all to see and watch and listen too.

I apologise, but I kinda have been feeling very down recently. I don't know why but ya, things seem to be getting worse and worse for me. And I feel helpless. But somehow, I don't know how Pearl, my mum, managed to make me feel less emo and down and for the first time. i am not going to look at things from a negative point of view but a positive one because no matter what God is still in control. And I don't really have to worry coz God will show or make a way for me...

Wonderful Song but the song has been posted some time back so if u wanna listen to it, just scroll down, ok :D

And last night QT was much better that a few days back where I felt isolated and that I was a goner.. but I believe God can do miracles. I am beginning to sing out some random songs which means, I am being touch by God. The Holy Spirit is ministering to me!! Woohoo... I will return, stronger and better. That I assure you :D

And If you read previous posts, I was super sad that got no PE meeting but hey. God can do miracles rite :D And I was like looking back at the roots of the band. And I remember the video that spur these group of young men and one boy :D

With Everything.

Well there are two parts but I wil go throught it one by one and show you what has struck me when I saw the video, now and previous times.

With Everything - Part 1

Well, after watching this video. I could see that the worship team, Hillsong United, was not really leading the people into worship. They were more of worshipping together with the people!! they were no concentrating on bringing peole to the upmost place, instead they were in the upmost place, worshipping God and their worship overflowed onto the people and everyone was worshipping the Living One!! Do you see that happening?? Did you see that beginning, the people were worshipping, yes but maybe not really expressing it, then soon. everything change.. they raised their hands, sang the hearts out to God. and then, there was a part where you would see the drummer closiing his eyes and focusing. You may say, he is focusing on keeping the timing but I believe he was focusing on God more, he was worshipping!! He was worshipping with his instrument. Nick!! Must watch hor!! Then when the part ended, you will see him bend forward. And if you look closely, he was kinda crying... He was worshipping!! Pro man... And so the lesson here is that as the Worship team, You do not aim to lead people into worship. you should just worship God, and the people will join in... You don't need to tell them to worship, God will led them into his presence... So all you gotta do is worship the Most High One...

Now for With Everything - Part 2

As you can see, after they will dismissed, the people actually stayed back and worship God. They were so submerged in the presence of God that they continued to worship God. Hands were raised, Mouths sang praise, Eyes leaked tears, and hearts were touched.how wonderful is it to be in his presence?? It is indescribable!! It is something that only God can do. Only when you are in his presence, or he is presence can these extraordinary things happen. That is why we call ourselves, Presence Eternal. We hope that his presence be in everyone forever... :D LOL... So the second video is something we hope cann happen one day, either in WAC or DI. It will be a great experience... Totally :D So ya, I hope that the video inspire you just as it has done for me.

But overall, after watching both. I can tell, God is real. He is a living God. He is God!! Forever, he will sit on hs throne of glory!! Amen!! :D

P.S Video can also be found in Presence Eternal Facebook Profile. Under links... :D


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