Soccer Camp

Wow!! God is real, and this camp proves it!! God keeps his promises!! and this camp proved it!!

Well, Day 1 was half day in Pulau Ubin coz we had school.. Award Days is dumb..make me go on stage coz top in subject.. Sian.. nearly tio caught for hair lah!!!

So the half day, we did Rafting!! LOL.. Water Games is first for our group!! LOL...

LOL.. It was kinda fun but also tiring coz we took a long time to build our raft which like the moment it go on water, it breaks part!! though it was always short-lived, it was fun.. Then soon we were asked to combine our two rafts coz it was actually a game where we see which group is able to build a raft that will bring them across the water n back... then both of us also fil the moment we go on water.. So LOL!!! Then later we build one big one but still!! I fell apart again!! then our instructor sian then say, All hang on.. then we all swim across dragging the structure of the raft across whcih is super important coz I dont know how to swim!! How I was doing was kick my legs n hanging on to the raft which was like breaking part lah.. LOL!! Super fun lor... :D

Then I remember it was raining then we had to bring our tents to shelter but instead of lifting it up, it had our bag inside so we lazy take out lah.. then we drag then after that, we found out we had holes in our tents!! GG.. I pity the people using our tents next....Lucky we got tape, then go tape in but the painful part was that we were putting our tents on rocks!! So painful lah, to sleep!! ands the food there is very little lor.. :( I suffered so much.. :( But at least there got less mosquitoes :D

Then we had a solo night walk lah... which made many scared coz the path we were going to walk alone was a place where the instructor said, "Two JC girls hve died cycling here..." So Ok, i admit it, I was a bit scared coz it was a moonless night were you cannot see lah.. only short distance then can see lh.. it was like the person in front of you suddenly disappears coz you cant see so far... Then it was like you are all alone, walking on the stretch of road where people have die there before. and you can see far. and for me, I have been slighty afraid on the dark coz last time, I can feel the movements of something last time. I had entercounted superntural things before and they usually happen in the dark when I am alone.. So ya!! I was scared abit but Jesus will never leve me os I know I was goiNeverng to walk this stretch of road with someone!! Woohoo!!

So It became my turn and I walked, I was able to see the person in front of me in a distance but soon lost sight of him so now, I was truely alone. Unable to see, then I prayed that God you light up my path, let me see the way. Then truely, something amazing happened!! The moon came out!! And soon, I saw my hands and they were glowing!! amazing man!!So AMAZING!! GOd is truely great!! I will not stumbe in the light!! Coz he brought light onto me!! and then I was able to complete with the path with confidence coz God was truely with me!! Indeed!!

"Never will I leave you nor forsake you" Hebrews 13:5

Woohoo!! So Wondeful!! :D

And then it was the next day, Well, we when on an expedition and well, I tio Vice-Cptain of my group but it was quite fun lah to walk around the whole of Pulau Ubin. I also learn how to use a compass!! :D Shiok!! then we were to sleep at the beach!! So cool!! But then it was scrapped by our coach and he told the instructors to bring us back to campside.. :( But the most important and scary part was that it was already beginning to rain and you can tell that lighting is heading towards us. then our instructor told us that theother school we saw during our experdition. One of them tio struck my lighting not recently. Then you could hear the silenced, the fear, and the shock in us. I am not sure whether it is true but it might be.... may God bless that girl if it was true.. then we quicky when back. All scared and afraid... Then halfway, one of our instructors hurted himself then we all had to carry him.. Best part. We had to be in shetler by 11.42pm that night and it was 11.40 le!! GG.. We had to be there before the storm hits the opposite side of Ubin!! Then I was like wondering "Wah.. Why must all these things happen now!! why we like now Sad life sia!!" Lucky we strong enough.. One piggyback, all the rest support!! Wah.. then we chiong back to camp.. Then it was like raining there le... LOL.. then after that only did we found out the=at the injuries were fake!! they were to test our team bond. and our mentality!! whether we will work as a team!! LOL.. and I think we succeed bah.. then also.. We found out that one of the JC gorls that our instructor told us about the previous night was actually his friend.. Oujust imagine, you were the one who ask our friend to come cycling in Ubin the later, our friend tell here.. Ouch.. I will break down and cry like all his other friend in that freak accident lor!!!

Well, then had to go and sleep back on those rocks.. :( Wanna cry..Until now, my back still pain!!

Day 3 was again clean up then zao home.. and wow!! Wat a camp man!! Sry there is no pictures coz there is no girls.. Equals no one will bother tking pictures...

So I shall sum up this camp.. Ubin is beautiful!! The mosquitoes there are less deadly too... The camp showed that God is real. It made the team really work together.. Hope this helps us next season.. :D


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