Happy Bday, Eugene!!

Sry, that this post is late but I was kinda tired to blog last night. And when you reach home at 12 am, ya.. there is no choice but to blog on Thursday...

So I would like to wish Eugene a Happy Birthday!! :D LOL.. Going to be a short post but ya, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PE's BASSIST!! Hhaha...

I never knew I was ctually going to make it for his birthday party yesterday coz the match was like played super late lor, coz AES come so late!! Make us wait for 45 minutes!! then I thought, GG le.... How to be there on time?? Then after the match, which I really kinda of cocked up in the first half but made it up in the second half, I think. And I gotta, man!! Coz I must play my way to X-factor!! Argh!! You are stronger!! I trust that I will be there, oh Lord!!

Well, So was late for Eugene's party :( But could not be helped... Sigh... Nvm... I never knew Bishan was so far away from my school!! LOL... How I wish that circle line was build faster!! So that my butt won't hurt!! LOL...

And during PE Meeting, I found out that what Eugene does on the bass, I cant do it on my keyboard!! Very painful for my fingers!! LOL.. I learn to appreciate Eugene more!! LOL.. Will miss my brother in Christ, man.. though it is only for a few days :( But I know that when we play this sat, Eugene will be there with us in Spirit :D


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