Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas!! Though it is a belated one!!

Haha.. Well, God has been good to us!!!

CCIS was a sucess!! Giving us the chance to perform!!! In Plaza Singapura!! Does who miss it really missed something man....

Well, I want to give you some.. nice pictures....

Firstly, Make up pictures of beautiful looking boys!!! Haha!!! Beautiful!!! Sure tio whack for that de....

Lefa in make up!! A rare sight!!!

Army boy also need make up!!!

King Herod before make up!! Look so not evil!!

Then.... The performance of the Chinese Conq...... !!!!

Cute Children dancing [01]

A Blur but still Cute Child dancing [02]

Too cute sia!!! Another dancing!! [03]

The dance before it started raining!!!

Then of course.... WAC performances!!! The skit is first coz me inside it!!! For backstage!!! :D

Becky curling her hair on stage!!!!

The 3 shepherds!!! Singing??!!!!

The all so mighty and powerful actor.... Gilchrist!!!

Jethro make up!! So good rite!!! Look like real sia.. make it is real!!! Haha...

Si'er's wife acting as Elizabeth and the the Inn keeper!!

The 3 wise men!! Though not that wise in real life!!

Hul Ling as Mary

Jethro again!!!

Derek and Hui Ling

Jie Jie acting cute.... wanna vomit!!

Astrid as Shepherd 1

Muhaha!!! Eugene indeed can act bad!!!

Jon talking crap I think!!!

Then last but not least!!! The dance!!! Woo!!!

Eddy!!! Dancing!! But he never put make up leh!!! :(

Joanie in full dress!!

Rachel.... Korean?? Erm.....

Eddy in serious mood!! Do not Disturb!!!

Korean [01]

Korean!! [02]

Unlce Kevin!! Dancing as Chinese

The London Guards...

Looking ready to perform...

Some random shots bah.. [01]

Another!! Random Shot, maybe coz me not take one.. [02]


Janice looks ready to go on stage bah...

Janice and Hong Xia

Now, The random pictures!!! Wooo!!!! Super random bah... Fun Shots!!!


Pearl!!!! If you see.... she got my phone...!!

Wee Jin and Eugene and Nigel!!!

Me!!! Note : The finger is my index!!! And when did Wee Jin take me??

Jethro, without make up!!!

Jonathan and Jethro...



P.S This is not all the pictures of CCIS. This are some of the pictures Wee Jin took. If you want all go :


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