Facing the Giants


I have been told a story which I so need to know!! I needed to know the moral!!!

I today have watched a great movie!!! I have watched what I feel God wants us to be and do!!!!

THe movie I watched is "Facing the Giants"!!!! A movie whcih tells has a lot!! What we must do even during the tough times!!! We must never quit even when the situation we are in seems impossible to get out of!!! God can do miracles!!! Believe it!!

Here is a trailer on it:

It is nice and meaningful!! Indeed every family must watch them!! No only in America but the whole world!!!

I shall give you a brief discription about it!!

It is about America Football but the focus is not on the sports!!!

Here is what the back cover says!!!

After six consecutive losing season, high school football coach Grant Talyor believes things can't get any worse. He's wrong. With fear and failure defeating him in football and in life, the downtrodden coach and husband turns to God in desperation. Trusting that God can somehow do the impossible, Coach Talyor and his Shiloh Christian Eagles soon dicover how faiths plays out on the field..... and off!!!

This movie as touch me!! I believe that this is what God wants us to know!! That we must have faith in him and that we must thank him for everything when things are going very well!! And today!! Si'er talked about thankfulness!! Giving God the thanks he deserves and not be bitter and thankful!!! I believe that God wants us to be thankful to him even during this time where we enter into spiritual warfare. When times and problem are pressing us!! We believe that God will make a way out for us!! God will provide a way out when you turn to him!! We must thank God no matter what happens, we must praise God when we win or lose!! For he has done them in his will!! When you show God that you are what really matters!! Not things of this world!!(Eg. Good Job, A lot of $$$, and wife or husband or anything that hinders you from God!!) When thing look down and not can get any worse!! God is almighty and in your weakness, he can show his strength so turn to God!!!

And when you go through trails!!! Turn to God!! Uplift it into his hands and his will show his power and you will grow stronger!!

It taught me my mistakes this year!! I complain about why did God make us lose matches int he National Zone!! Why!! The national zone is so difficult and if you lose!! The chances of getting into the semi's is very little!!! But God still gave me the medal of National Second and I thank him for that!! I was feeling like why!! Why!! We were so close!! We played better but why Lord!! Why did you make sure that I lost!! But I see his reasons!! If I won, I might have been proud and God will oppose me!! Which I do not want that to happen!! And we got into the National Semi's with the record of the lowest point team that got into the National Semi's!! Usually teams that go through get minimum 18 points but we got 13 points!! Incredible!! God make sure we got in!! Because I show my faith!!! Then we were lousier thatGreenview but he let us go to the final!!! To show his strength!!! God is almighty!! AMEN!!!

I just advice you to watch this movie but I am just showing you the trailer!! It is a nice show!! Try get the disc or go to youtube!!!

God Bless you!!! Be thankful!!!


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