
Hi people!!!!

Today I went to the Padang for some Healthy Lifestyle Progamme.

Kind of think that I waste my holiday coz it was not exactly fun or anything interesting lor. I shall tell you why I felt that way.

It started mostly because I did not want to go at all for the outing coz I wanted to relax at home on the day which did not have soccer training. I want to relax!! It is surpopose to be holiday!! Which means I can relax!!! But almost everyday like got soccer so can't relax. So when I get the chance, I wish to relax but I kinda busy sia then the school adding more thing!!!!


So I dragged myself to school on 7 november, having sad life :( Then we went to the padang. I was super lazy despite having a 5-a-side soccer competition. I was soo lazy that in the bus!!! I slept rather than form a team. But since people interested then drag me in. Ah La Mah!!! There goes my relaxation time...... but when reach there decided that I rather go play soccer since the weather there was burning!!!!! In the shade also feel super hot!!! Was like.....Argh!!!!!!

Here is a picture of the place when I step foot there:

Padang!! The place holding the progamme

So, we then decided to go and sign up for the football competition!! Then the queue was super long lor!!! For the boys!!! But before we found the booth, when to the girls booth!! LOL!!! Pai Seh sia!! Haha..... Then went to the captain's ball booth but ask before sign so never join!! Haha..... Then we finally found the booth!!! Super long lor, the queue!! We queue and wait and wait till some walk off then need go find them....but still stayed in queue. Then because the queue was super long, we decided to join another soccer place which was not competitive coz like that we can relax!! But then when we want to go sign up, they say that we must sign up online before this event occured!! ARGH!!!! Mr Ng say go sign up fast on the day, he never say must sign up online!!! So we did not play anything in the end coz got nothing wat so we just romp around the streets!! Then the muttons tried entertaining everyone with some performances, such as:


They were cheering to the music "Now or Never"

And talking crap and jokes!!

But we were still bored so we decided to go eat. So we went romping lor, then appeared at Pennsula Plaza. Argh!!!!! The moment I stepped in, I was afraid because I remeber than when we went to celebrate Matthew Chew birthday last year after Family Day on 1st May 2007, We saw a shop that a satantanic!!! I was afraid we might meet that shop!! And they reason that I could not stop them, I was afraid!!! But Thank God!!!! We did not meet it or maybe the shop closed down!!!

Then we found a shop to eat!! But because I did not like Malay food, I did not eat. I just drank. Then we later went back there and romped again. But after romping, we found a corner to relax!! So we relaxed there, and because I was bored. I took some pictures:

The Supereme Court!!

And our Dead!!! Haha..... was lame!!!

Then soon came the guest of honour!! Prime Minister Lee!!!! Actually, I did not know he came leh. I just saw a lot of people crowding around then got police so me go take a took. then realise that it was the Prime Minister!!! Not a big deal but was kind of bored so took a picture:

Prime Minister Lee!!!!!

Then came the concert!! Finally!!!!! I wasted 4 hours of my holiday to wait for this dumb concert which I had to go!!!!! *Sian* Here are some pictures of the Concert!! But it was quite nice soon, and it was quite enjoyable.

Gym Trainers doing some dance!!!!

As you can see, those gym trainers did a lot of dance sia!! A lot!! About 5 dances!! Then they wanted us to join them!!! But I was too slack so just stand and watch and try taking nice pictures!!! Haha... :P

Let continue seeing the pictures shall we??

The muttons!!! Being jokers on stage!!!

Great skills on the bike!!

More cool moves!!!!

And some more!! Nice lightings!!!!

And more cool and skilled moves!!!!

The muttons!! I thought they were malays!!

Welcome!!! Fiona Xie!!!!!

Rafly went crazy when he saw Fiona Xie!!!!

The muttons and Fiona Xie joking!!!

I remember that it was funny lor!!! Fiona Xie was trying to tell girls that she does eat a lot!! Then the muttons say she eat like an elephant!!! Jokers sia!!! Fiona Xie was trying to tell people that it is alright to eat and eating a lot does not means you will grow fat!! She was using herself as an example!! It was true lor!! I eat a lot also but I excercise a lot. But she say it is also eating the right amount of food and eating at the right time. Kind of true but I don't do that! I just eat and exercise!!
Still talking about that topic!!!

Now Fiona Xie is explaining!!!

S.A.C!!! What a nice building!!!

Then we had to leave early!! Sad!!! :(

I remember that Rafly screamed out "Fiona Xie!!! I love You!!!!" I was going to break into laugher!!! But was a bit tired trying to take these pictures!! My handphone camera was super lousy lor!! Sry if the pictures were not that nice.

P.S Sry that this entry was published late and that the pictures are a bit blur !! But I was very busy and handphone camera's are not good!! Sry :(


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