Time is of the Essence

Hm... I have decided to title this, "Time is of the Essence!!" Oh ya!! This post was meant to be yesterday's post but I was exhausted yesterday after training so it has becomes today's post!

Well, nowadays my school ends about 10am.. Then training starts at around 3.30 pm!! Oh my!! That is like 5.5 hours of free time!! so on wednesday, this happened. I ended insted of 10, I ended at 9 coz I got no more lesson liaoz. So I was really free, and it occurred to me how free I suddenly felt! 5 hours is a lot of time!! And it struck me that I could be wasting my time!! Well, I tried mugging, but failed rather badly. All I did was read a few pages of my Macroeconomics notes! Then I went to eat at Mac then went back to play soccer from 1pm!! Ahaha!!!

Well, and it struck me. How have I used my time? Am I wasting my time?? I remember quitting OGL on the reason that I won't have much time but since I do now, how have I been using it??

We are living in the end times and Time is of the essence!!! So it really struck me!!

God, help me use my properly! I need time management!!


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