Kallang Roar

HONG KAH SEC, ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kallang roar is indeed a great motivation for soccer players who have just felt the pain of defeat in the National Final. What they said was true. People only remember the winner so it is win it or gain nothing but I wonder, how and why should people remember Sports School as National Champions when they won only because of a blind refree???

I like the part where the players would shout out MAJULAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

I taught me many things, it taught me that commitment is important to be a winning team, we must be willing to scarifice to achevie great things. Though skills play a part in the game, you need to be comitted to play your best for the team. Train hard and your skills will improve. We need motivation went we all feel down. We need a boost up and be ready for what you face. Confidence is needed too. You need to be confidence of yourself that you will be able to do it. Just like how lousy I played on the day before by missing a penalty point blank and was nearly dropped because of that. Haha...... but at least I still played so Jun Hoong would not go there in vain and when the match started, all focus was on the match!!! Nerves were trying to get the better of everyone playing, that includes me!!!! I was reminded me of the National Final when I walked out of the tunnel, turning to the fans when I saw the players walk out of the tunnel in the semi-final. Problems are something you can't stop from coming to you but when you play, you must focus on the game as you only win or lose so play your best and do your best.

The part when Uncle Choo appear in the changing room at half-time in the Finals was such motivation indeed. Seeing how much he scarifice is what makes you so grateful to him. He lost his leg, but determination carried him all the way. But I wonder where is he now when they put in memories of him, is he in Heaven or Hell coz what is important may not be important. Think what has eternal value!!!!

No matter what, this movie is such a great movie, I wish you all will go watch it and maybe cry. Haha.........

I like this part of the movie the best: [When Uncle Choo showed how his players should roar]

Unlce Choo: Untuk Bansar Dan Negara (for my people and my country)

Players: Majulah!!!! (Onwards)

This I will remember, "You are not worth a pinch of salt if you do not use what you learn and do your best with it." So, bring glory back to GOD!!!!!!!


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