Wall E

WALL E, the movie (this movie I watch ages ago le but lazy blog about it till now. Haha.....)

I have just one word to discribe this movie................... WOW!!!!

This movie tells me so much. Every movie seems tohave a motivite but it depends whether it is a good one or a bad one. But this movie can help you to open up your eyes. It tells you about the truth, I really wonder who is the director, the producer??? Is he a christian??? I wonder.....

Hmm....... What do you think????

I think he is one or some one who knows the truth that had happen 2008 years ago, the story about the man who live for 33 years but made a impact in many people's destiny. He open the eyes of many, show that the side of this world that human eye's will never be able to see.

It showed us that there is hope in everything. No hope will lead to depression so better believe there is hope!!

Seeing Wall E trying to find the true meaning of life really is and I so believe that it is like us. Trying to seek the meaning of life. Then something appears and your life brights up. Just like how EVE apeared then Wall E fell in love!!! Ahem.... how do robots fall in love??? Nvm.... But had Wall E not wanted to now what was there for him. He would not care about EVE and do his own things. But he wanted to try but was scared just like how we somethimes are. Love can do great things man.

I don't wish to spoil the movie so, to me the moral is: There is a great world out there. A world that is unimaginable. Where you will be dead if you had not had a power that can do anything. We have been blinded by what the world has to offer to us. Good Jobs, good pay, money and blah and blah la......... so we have been blinded and do not know. You have become to greedy and do not see what is mpre important. Eternally or worldly stuff. Hardship for a short period or for eternally??? Your choice so I can't help you ..... I was a great boost indeed to see the determination of the captain in the show fighting the wheel. Technology vs Human Being. The cheering of the people onboard was amazing. Wall E showing people the world beyond their eyes, the world that show such beauti lor. So cool!!!!

Ok lah, I scared tio sued so watch the movie yourself la, if it is still showing by now.. Haha.....................


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