Holidays? My foot lah!!

Walao!! This June holiday is really crappy!! I need to mug for CTs, attend lots of camps and soccer training!! Argh!!

The worst part is this!! Everything is being squeezed!! So super packed! Everything is colliding, and I can't slack off in the leadup to the BB/GB/CIA camp!! Then I also can't slack in my academics and soccer trainings!! Sigh... Really stressed up, I have skipped a lot of trainings le, and I am suppose to be a leader. Some kind of leader I am sia.. -.- Sigh.. Pretty stressed up... :(

Oh well, but lets ont take away the fact that the JJ leadership camp was pretty fun!! HAha!! Shall blog about it in another post bah!! :D

Hm.... Actually, I am just whining!! LOL... But I am getting worried that becoz I am so busy, I will flunk my CTs coz not enough time mug!! :(


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