Under the Floodlights

Life can change in an instance. A sentence I heard today recently.

Perhaps its true, and well, it is. What makes you so sure you will wake up tomorrow? Get to see the people you love, spend time with them? You never know, perhaps the best thing that could happen to you just turned into a nightmare in a blink of an eye.

As much of my world has regain momentum and I am back to my always going out life, I managed to get some much needed alone time on the way back to Yew Tee. Surprised? Cause I made sure I was home for 3 days to rest? Ya, I'm surprised to. I didn't think much in those 3 days. I was too burnt to. So a full moon to accompany me when I was feeling "lonely". Thought maybe I could turn into a werewolf or something, oh well, dreams are dreams aren't they? Dreams are dreams, aren't they.

Some mistakes that have been committed are done, can't turn back time as much as I wish. So the consequence, I have to live with it as painful and tortuous it is. And the dream remains a dream.

But I can't continue like this. I choose to be joyful and I shall.

Updates?? Hm.. Updates. Well, Friday was pretty crazy since I was already sleep-deprived staying overnight at Yew Tee gaming then went to play a soccer match later on without food. Nice combo there, my friend. It was like a Combo courting death and later on the match, it really felt like so.

Not going to comment much on it, I did what I do best, dribble like a snake which makes people look like a fool and be super efficient doing so like dribbling the ball from one end to another. Scored 2 goals, got a few injuries, run my socks off, but it was enjoyable to tick something off my wish list. To play a soccer match under floodlights.

Again, I had the full moon to accompany me. Looking at it somehow spurs me on to continue running, until I had difficulty breathing because...

So yup. Pic or Video? Pic bah. Always video.


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