
Showing posts from February, 2012

I need you, Lord. To be the Centre of it all

Here are some Rhema songs that have been impressed upon my heart since Sunday evening. Don't want to elaborate but enjoy!! :D There is more, but many I will post them up another time? I should be studying :/ HAha!!

Do not conform to the Patterns

Stumbled upon this poster, or picture or whatever you call it. Well, do you agree with it?? Many people do, I think, or many teenagers will think that way. But honestly, when your life is in a mess, why does a person tend to turn to this surroundings to seek help. Why do we, human being like to seek help from the creation rather than the creator? Not trying to shot an arrow to your knee or heart or any part of your body. But don't you think is true, we tend to seek help from people and not God. Even I am not an exception. I rather choose to tank, to try and carry everything by myself. Some may be like me,some may seek help from others but usually how many of us run into the arms of our Creator when we find ourselves in a mess? Hm.. Food for thought? Maybe. Looking at this poster, it reminds me that we as Christains must beware of allowing what the world preaches to become part of us.The picture, and the words seem legit, this seems to make sense but honestly, does it?? May...


I hate taking my medicine, I need to whine about this man! seriously!! Yes, I am sick!! And it is irritating!! Argh!! Haiz, I shouldn't have taken my Napfa test despite being sick. It made everything worse! It sucks now!! I did pass my napfa, I am going to skip 2 months like duh. If I didn't, I probably have wasted my 6 years of my life playing soccer and being fit. But the problem was that it was the final straw for my body. My body K.Oed like after... I tried continuing life as per normal, failed like a boss. I think I super epic. I thought I not sick sia, I just thought I a bit hot. Then when I went to see a doctor, he took my temperature and told me, "you do know that you are runnign a fever?" Likeaboss, I gave that epic face of, "seriously ah!!?? *mind-blown*" Haha!!! Then he gave me medication and that what I am here to whine to you about. The doctor gave me alll medication is drowsy! Walao! I not snorlax leh, the doctor wanted me to ...

The Torrent of waves

Hi peeps, I know I have not updated my blog like a long time. But its mostly because I have been very tired and busy these past few days. So update on my week. Its pretty simple, soccer and study and try to squeeze in sleep and organizing the most amazing D.I bday!! And without a doubt, putting my best effort into all of them... Soccer has moved into full gear. Despite doctor orders that I ease myself back in. I have instead been swept away with the tsunami wave that has hit the team.. On monday, I ran 3km, and did some strengthening exercises..Well, wasn't really that tiring but it was tiring nonetheless since I am just returned from injury and am very unfit. Erm.. But on Tuesday, it gets worse. Or everyday, it gets worse due to fatigue. I had training today. Return from injury and joining back into full training.. Well, ball skill wise, I am not really rusty but fitness wise. I am really bad.. I got level 10 for my Beep Test when I just recovered from injury. My co...

A'Div Draw

Ouch!! Lost my mood to study because I fount out the daunting task awaiting me!! I received an sms about the draw for this year A'Division!! Sadly, the group we have been drawn in is tough. Why? We are group together with RJC, ACJC, MI, TPJC, DHS!! 1. Raffles Junior College Why do we have to be drawn with a DSA school!! They soccer players surely have to be stronger than us!! They DSAed into that school?? Ok, some of you think RJC is a nerd school. Perhaps they are, but they are does people who DSA and get expelled after 2 years of playing soccer for them in A'Div?! (Or thats what I heard..) They were last year 4th, rather strong school and likely to finish top of the group!! :/ 2. Anglo-Chinese Junior College What!!?? Another DSA school!! Save me man!! Usually ACJC is pretty strong but just not strong enough to be in the top 4. Usulayy they are 5th, so they are pretty strong are likely to finish runner-up in the group and also be the main threat to RJC. 3....

6 weeks over..

The lifestyle of an Athlete and student.. Its tiring, its draining and its deadly!! Well, this is year 6 of my hectic lifestyle.. had a good 6 weeks of break and its time I swim against the tide for my life again. Right now, I have yet to enter back into that lifestyle. But actually, I already have, only that its not so physical draining yet because I have not been playing soccer a lot.. Just helping out here and there is not as tiring as soccer, running, sprinting, and experiencing a training that literally sucks the life and energy out of you... :/ But the thought of entering back into it is very disturbing and turns me off.. I know I will suffer, I know I will be left trying to keep my head above the water and I hope I do not drown. But lets not hide the fact that I really want to go back and play soccer!! I really want too! I miss it so much. I hate being sidelined, but I actually hate my hectic and draining lifestyle more. All I have been able to do is jus...

Alarm clock!!

I NEED A ALARM CLOCK!!! Totally, after today, I really need one. Well, school starts at 7.40am everyday. Guess what time I woke up today??!!! 7.22am!!!!!!!!! Eeks!! I believe that my face was totally priceless when I saw the time I woke up!! My school is not just down below my estate, nor is it next door...It is 2.2km away!! I had also missed the bus!! And the next bus will take 15 mins to arrive!! I hate the waiting time for 185, honestly!! Hm.. So lets go through the thought process?? I have 18 minutes to reach school. I am on my bed, and what do you think I would do?? I wanted to just go and sleep!! But when I saw the time! My priceless face and my shocked body jolted me out of my bed!! "siao ah! 18 mins left leh! Havent change, just pon sch lah" It was pretty enticing and tempting to do it, but thankfully, I did not.. I rushed to change and attempt to reach school before 7.40am!! Eeks!!!!! When I saw what time it was when I left my house.. 7.29am, I tho...