Reflection on LOL

Hi dudes,

Hm.. I did not plan to blog about the 4 days and 3 nights of LOL camp. Because my blogging style is telling you the sequence of events kind. So if I did, I will kill myself sia!! So at least reflection of what LOL is to me??

Hm... LOL camp personally to me was something very different from the norm. Usually as eaglets, I would have expected to be involved in the planning, then during the camp, I would be the group leader, then perhaps involved in the running of the camp just like "Inside Out" where I was part of the logistic crew, the worship team, and also a group leader.

So the norm is that we will either be busy or over-stretched, but this camp, it was DIFFERENT. For the first time, I was not involved in anything!! Really!! It felt so weird. The ability to spend time with the Rhema boys was such a different feeling. Sitting down and having a meal as a group has been rare for me in the previous camp due to worship practice but this camp, I could sit down with them for every meal!! It felt weird, but a good weird. It took me awhile to realize that I need not do anything, and just be camper for LOL!! I also had to stop myself from getting myself involved, it was really weird, but it was a good weird to be a camper again just like when I first attend my first youth camp, "Ultimate Experience".

I won't say I fully enjoyed the camp because sometimes things happen which you can't control and it disallows you to fully participate in the camp. Well, that "thing" hindered my overall enjoyment but let me not the party spoiler.

I feel that LOL gave me something more then other camps did, it allowed me to see God move in the lives of the Rhema warriors!! I saw God move in the Rhema boys lives, I saw God touch them and I believe they can testify it too! To see God move in their lives was wonderful, and I believe this camp brought Rhema closer together. I can feel that this new-found unity, be it from trolling people together or whatever, it will help to bring us to new heights!!

So Rhema, I believe that great things are in stored for everyone of us!!

And lets now watch the closing camp video:


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