PE Meeting...

I think this is the first time I am blogging about Presence Eternal Band Meeting lor.... Amazingly, this one was the one that has made me totally upset....

Well, I was expecting a typical band meet, where we will go eat first then come back and start the usual but today was different!! totally!! Firstly, there is Andy there, then got the girl and my bro... so to me it was a bit weird coz usually it is whole honor room to us...

Well then we got a pleasant surprise later when we start to practice.... Euegen came!! Woohoo!! So then we eat but I was running down to Fairprice to buy us plain water!! In which we will really need... All the time in Every meeting!!!

Well then later tio super sad at the end lah.. Coz PE Band might not be able to lead worship this month... :( Coz Eugene zao-ing out out of country.. Like Nick now lor!!

Last year nick also like that... Now Eugene!! :( Sian...

So now totally depressed... :(

P.S Playing meaning a lot to me now!! Especially when i wish to get something out of my consciences... :(


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