Looking Back...

Hm...I wonder whether this is called emo, but I have been looking back... at who I am, at how I was, how much I have change, how much I have grown and etc....

Well, I have concluded that.. it is really essential for one person, to reflect on what he has done... coz it helps you to focus more, to remember wat you were meant to do, to get you on track again....

Well, Reflection is good :D!! Good for me:D LOL...

I have change from a small little super playful, rebellious, mischievous litte boy.... now I have picked up responsibilty, I have a duty to so many people that it cn at times be really stressful, but still I wanna be the playful, mischievious little boy :D, but gotta at times be matured enough to do the right things.... so ya... kinda, reflection is good :D.. It gets you on track, and it allows you to reflect on your past, areas for you to improve in.. :D

Good man :D LOL.... :D

Still, remember this little boy has a playful kind :D Always remember that hor, I have your little ball of energy and life, which just wanna have fun :D!! LOL...

P.S random post sia... :D


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