First Week of 2013

So... What am I suppose to update on?

How I nearly died? How good Passion 2013 was? How am now back to the busy going out with my friends during the holiday? Or how my $$$ is actually depleting!?!

Ok, the season of my life hasn't change. I am too lazy to wallow in self-pity. Erm... So ya, Yue Seng is still hanging on.

Well, what is/would be the best day of your life. Ask this honest question and be real. I dislike people giving be textbook answer just because its the best and theoretically correct answer. (If one did not need to be accountable for one's action. I would have killed many people by kicking their heads, twisting their necks in the process hence their death.) So what would your answer be? If the textbook answer is truly your own answer then well, good for you :)

Tomorrow? Today? Some day in the past?

Technically, what I just gave was Past, Present, Future. But try and ponder about it. I pondered about it, my honest answer was still the day I die. I did enjoy some good times or just better phrases and seasons in life and if I could relive them, I wouldn't mind. But pragmatism takes over, and its all is just a nice dream.

Although the textbook answer is make everyday the best day of your life because its a day spent with God.

A mindset change, a mindset change. Totally been challenged the past week. Perhaps one day I will reach that point. Let it be some day soon. The game has began for me. May the odds ever be in my favour.


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