20 Jan 2013

A bad day in the office today.

My first soccer match of the year. I am exhausted. Wow, never knew army guys are so fit. Really bad day, because I was super tired, being the one who had to constantly be defending. Well, wasn't having the best of days defending especially when you had 3 people constantly attacking your side such that you do know whether to make the tackle or hold your position. Wow, frustrating day.

I was really exhausted after 45 mins of playing. Really being stretched and being exploited for not keeping my fitness up to date, or well. :/ Just a bad day and I am a bit irritated and angry at myself. Hmph!!

Went to King Louis to eat dinner. Well, that was probably the high of the day. Does not each day have its highs and lows? That is what a day consist of. Thats why I still think no day will be best of my life, but I can make the best of everyone of them still.

King Louis was nice. I won't say much though..

Some panoroma for you all...

Yup, my siblings decided to jam abit there too..


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