
5 days to Prelims, and I am fighting battles in the mind, heart and body.

Injured in the physical, bitterness and un-forgiveness in the heart, trying to stand my ground in the minefield (mind-field).

Well, but thats all I would say. So was this post a small update? No. I came across this pic..

It caught me by surprised. I was just swiping through pics then this appeared. So how many times have you judged a person? Well, it just takes 5 seconds to form an impression, and there you have it.. It's human nature to do so. (Have I heard this excuse being used before??) Our brains work in a way that it seeks logic, we seek to understand, we use science to find a reason, a logic behind every wonder. We seek to put things in place, to find an order than we can operate in. Its like, "Oh, she's fat. There she goes into my fat person list.." Its kinda around there, I believe. I am work in progress (sadly, so is LVP), I do compartmentalization for people that I may not know well. I judge them by their actions, by their words, and not by their God-given destiny... God, help me not to pass judgement on your creation. For it shouldn't be me acting as the judge, but you, for you are just.

"Do not look at them as what they are now, look at them as what they can be.."

Well, that would that time.. And speaking of time. Soon and very soon, Nic Lau would be back! Hohoho!! I am glad, but IDK why Shanghai now has a lot of problems. Typhoons, protest demostrations, its a city that is pretty eventful. Its unlikely we can experience such stuff in SG.. :/ Can't wait. Soon, it would  take me 40 mins to get to see him, and not wait 6 months to meet him. Wakaka.. Distance and time. The two factors that help you calculate speed.. and the two inevitable things on Earth. 

Distance, China is pretty far from Sg. I can't just pop a SMS saying, "dinner tonight?" I don't get to see him face to face, (oh gosh, He said he is fatter now! Just by how much!) I really hope I can recognise him when he returns. Nope, not by face. I am talking about character and all.... The different elements and challenges he would have faced will shape him, that same applies to me too... He has probably gotten more freedom that I have so far in my life, that is one example. Hohoho.. I have no idea what kind of storm is approaching. I know I am probably going to meet a different man in September, but I hope that doesn't kick start my journey down memory lane again on what was, and reality.

Time. The world is constantly revolving. Times are changing, we all know that. And with time,many things change. People, material possession, everything on this Earth actually. I believed I talked with sadness about the changes time has brought about.. I always end off with, even I do change... (Look at that dude! so different from the one standing in front of the mirror everyday..)

You would seek the best for the people you love, even if it means sacrificing much and then walking away...


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