
Can you stop a man from dreaming? No. Its his fuel of hope and purpose. Be it a God-given dream or personal one, it that dream that makes you want to take action, to see it with your own eyes. So what if you take that away from man. A man without dreams lor. So simple, but I would prefer the term a useless man. But we seldom see a useless man because that spirit of aspirations is an in-build engine within us.

I think to take away dreams, and another to see it destroyed are two separate things. It seems the same, but the product is different. One is useless because he never knew it, the other knew it, but he witness it being crushed like me crushing the chicken meat when I eat a chicken wing (have to lighten the mood a bit). So you get a man that suffered a huge setback, aimless as it seems. He will experience the pain, and understand what a dream means.

Lets pause for a while. The London 2012 are closing in 5 hours time, imagine the athletes that took part. Most of time worked hard for 4 years. They gave up so much, their social life, the craving for CHOCOLATES and fat food, their sleep, their other dreams just for a moment. Dont forget what they had to endure too.. 

Imagine a retiring athlete that has yet to achieve glory and success. This games would be his last. Its do or die. He competes and comes in fourth. Its over, he was so close yet so far. No one remembers a loser. NO ONE, this is the world. He ends off his career with  nothing. Imagine 10-20 years of hardwork for nothing. The agony that will enter his body, the pain that will consume him. Ouch. That sucks.

I ain't no Olympic athlete, but was a former athlete. I know the hardship, the pain of failure. But I wonder how sometimes they can get over the hurt. Actually, some don't. Just ask some of the US athletes. Then again, some are able to let go. 

It is a bondage and they are smart to let go. But that act in my opinion proves that that didn't mean everything to you. Alright lets continue.

 It impossible to have no dreams and aspirations. Everyone has them. It about the difficult faced achieving them. Some goals are impossible (I want to fly like Superman), some are too easy (I want to  go running). Then again, having dreams will put you in that situation will hurt that will torment you is waiting to have its first prey. Being me now, of course I rather not dream. But is it possible? Its already in-build. 

Wait, lets get this straight. Have your dreams, be it God-given or personal, chase them. If they conflict with God's will, choose the better one. Which usually is the one with more value in the long term. But be wary of them. Everything in this world is a double-edged sword.

Well, thats all. I spend 2 hours in front of this. Likeaboss. And yes, I know. I need God to minister to me. I need to dream again, without feeling pain that is. But God, can I have my desire satisfied this once? 


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