Challenges Accepted

It ain't about me. Lately, I have been challenged not to put myself before others but others before self.

Alright, that being said, I am not a self-fish guy before this year or anything. It is just that challenge to go and help a friend as long as it is within my means. So what in within my means? It isn't just since its on the way like of thing, its doing things that cost you something, that requires you to sacrifice something, that requires to forego your pleasures and at at times your needs. Well, if I am not wrong, its just include dying for people at times. But then, the amount of sacrifice you are willing to give up is dependent on who he/she means to you.

The Bible talks about them a friend in need, but I have always been like how can you help others when you cannot even actually help your own self? I already am being challenge to open up, be transparent before others. Yes, there are a lot of things stuck deep down in my body and that I will never tell anyone. Somehow, I accumulate it until its reach bursting point. I do have issues, major issues to sort out. I agree that I am a troubled young man, but its up to me to sort it out. Releasing some of it, helped me, but I really do not want to let the water continue leaking. Keeping it in will hurt, but let it out is an option I don't plan to take out.

But lets return to the the topic. I do have issues, but it should not be hindering me from being there to help someone in need. Its a challenge, and I hope to do fulfill it. Though, I think its also an underground plot to make me open up, but we shall see where God actually means that for me in this process. Its rather tough to put others before actually, but may God grant me strength.

Welcome one and all to GDOP, one and all. GDOP struck me in a way, I knew before-hand that I needed to go in troubled and I was. I wanted to go in there not wearing a mask, and I was required to if I wanted to see God. Woah, lets pause here. I am just saying go into God presence being who you are, bring yourself whole to Him.

The first prayer item was returning to First Love. Well, its was like the Ferrari banging the taxi in SPore. Fatal hit, confirm cry. It was an accurate pin-point dart throw hit the bulls-eye. Well, some people will deem me as a 10 year old Christian, I deem myself as a 5.5 year old one only though, and people ask me why do I not want to get baptize since its like "10" years leh!! Old leh. Here is the reason, I missed the golden moment back then. I will not go into the water until the wave of the Spirit hits and stays for good. Yes, I lost the gift of speaking in tongues before, no kidding, if you doubt that you are speaking in tongues and stop speaking in them or that was my case. The gift will be taken away. Since then, I got lost in the jungle. Surviving but never could I go up another level. I am still lost, but I have been granted the glimpse of what I could do if I find a way to level up yo! Pretty cool, and its explains why I was attacked in an effort to subdue me when the golden moment hadn't past back then. Cool stuff.... (Trying to be transparent here, slightly at least. I bet no one knew the lost of the gift..)


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