Happy 2nd Birthday D.I


HAha... D.I is finally 2 years old!! Haha.. Thank God for his Faithfulness!! Woohoo.. Though, I have been in youth for almost 4 years le.. And the Organisation I am in is 2 years old.. LOL.. Not bad... But hey D.I's 2nd Birthday is also the 2nd year I am known as an eaglet.. :D Though it is not excalty the same day but all I know it took me 2 years be become an Eaglet... :D Hehe... Not bad.. People take like less than a year.. Haha.. But still I am contented.. :D

So let us thank God for his faithfulness!! Becoz if there was no D.I . there would not be PE band!! Agreed?? There would not be Rhema?? Agreed?? There would not be Encounter?? Agreed?? And there might also not ME or the person I am now... Dont you Agree?? D.I has been a big part of my life, changes me and a great place to relax, enjoy and have fun!! ;)

"Great is your Faithfulness, Oh Lord" - Your Grace is Enough by Chris Tomlin


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