Valentine Day

Hi peeps!!

Before I start talking.... this post is talking about my past... and some dumb guys....

So I shall start now.......

Well, as you people should know... Valentine's day is coming... though it has no affect on me coz I am not attached and not planning too!! But yesterday was a wierd day.....coz everything was pointing towards something which I have no idea how to explain...

Well.... let see how do I sytart to explain it.... hm.................

Ok, To begin .... Yan hong managed to get Kai Lin to get Carmen out with him and Kai Lin ah.... (Note: Calmen is who Yan Hong likes) So Yan Hong had planned to do something crazy..such as skipping his CCA just to go out with Carmen!! Dumb Move right??!! Coz He is so crazy till he was willing to skip his CCA just to go out with that Carlmen if his... somemore on Friday the 13th... Stupid move indeed...... (Erm... to know whether the unoffical date was a success or not.. plz go to Yan Hong personally and make his cheek red again!! :P)

Well.... then I also had homework, biology homework!! I have skipped about more thanhalf my biology lesssons due to soccer so I had a lot to catch up on. Well. so the teacher ask me to do 2 journal entry.. so I go find Mind your Body Newspaper lor...then I do not understand ah.. Why the articles all about love one leh... What chemistry of Love and how people got together through the chatroom.... erm... all the dumb stuff lah... I think coz Velentine's day but wat does love have to do with Mind your Body lor... ?? I was like sian after that.. make me go other newspaper find!! :( Well.... Got somemore...

Coz it was Valentine's day... Miss Caroline Lee was like talking about how dumb and silly boys were.... And we were like purposly making Shakir feel bad.. and kept saying.. Ya la... Shakir!! Stop chasing girls lah!! You make us look stupid sia... coz the teacher was talking about how crazy guys can be when they like a girl.... Then I also say Yan Hong.. ya la.. Yan Hong!! Dont do stupd stuff tommorrow ah!! LOL!! Want to get whack the sia.. :D But I am a cheecky boy!! :D

Well..... so this week really people are getting into the Valentine's Day Mood!! Too sad I will heck care :)!! Haha.. Who care about Valentine's Day??


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