My Birthday Wish


Today Matthew asked me about my Birthday wish rather indirectly.... And well, I ain't going to state it...

But the thought of my birthday wish is like hm.. Honestly, I got a wish. Everyone does.. When I was asked to make a wish yesterday, the first thing that came into my mind was ______ .

Well, I wont stated my wish, and I doubt many people can help make it become reality.

My wish is not of materialistic desire. Nono... I don't want a soccer ball or a PSP or a new PS3 game. Or new soccer boots, or being the national champion. These are all secondary and really secondary.

Well, some of you won't be able to guess it. Because the thing I desire most, I have never really said it before, never told anyone except God. You guys can make a wild guess? But I can give you 3 tries and you still won't guess it.

So for fun joy and laughter, try and fill in the blanks:

MY GREATEST WISH IS TO _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ .

HAVE FUN GUESSING! Hehe!! But no prizes for guessing correctly :D


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