Despicable Me and The Sorcerers Apprentice
Despicable me was so funny!! LOL.. And the story line is pretty touching too. It is great to see how hearts, even the most harden and evil of hearts can be transformed into a tender loving heart.. Great isn't it!!?? Haha..
I also gotta thank Lin Cho and Chian Huei for the movie ah, it was their Birthday gift to me. SO I did not need to pay a cent.. OH man, I feel guilty still!! Ok..
I also watched the Sorcerers Apprentice not long ago.. like around last week. And I am still amazed at the fact that why the guy would fight for Love instead for the whole of human mankind?? LOL.. Random sia.. and I still don;t understand a lot from the movie but I give in a 3.5 rating coz it was touching.. Lover never fails - 1 Corinthians 13:8!! And the movie showed me Love always prevails!! He fought for his friends and loved one and he won.. Wat the bleah. LOL.. But interesting still... :D Watch it!! :D Haha...
SO I have watched Karate Kid and Despicable Me, The Sorcerers Apprentice and soon going to watch thew Last Airbender and maybe also Inception!! Hehe.. It is already more than the amount of movies I watch last year, which was one 2.. Pathetic, I know. Ahah.. I am going to set my new record of movie watched in a year soon. Hehe.. And it will be done during my O'levels year! AHAhah..