Why do I study?

Hm.. Well.. This sunday, this question popped up into front of my face unexpectedly!!

"Why do I study for?"

Hm.. Honestly speaking.. this is a tough nuts to crack!

In my whole life, I have never been studying for myself. I have never bother studying for myself cause I don't really care about my academics... But really, why do we study?

In my primary school life, I did not study that is why I got 192 for my PSLE score.. Zai right, some lousy score..

So I went to Hong Kah, cause I noticed that their soccer was good! Hehe!! Yes, I chose soccer before academics.. So in my whole life, I have cared little for my academics.. But there were times when I did study.. And here is the reason and the only way that I will study.

I will study for others, or something but not myself.. Or unless I get forced too!! Haha!!

Hehe!! Well, in Hong Kah, I lived a nearly crazy lifestyle. Of school, soccer and sleep.. And Study was never taking a huge proportion of my study coz I never had any time!! Haha.. Perharps that is why I dont really put my slightly more free lifestyle into good use!! Hm...

Instead of studying, I whine, play and do all the not so important stuff... But perhaps its time to start studying for myself! I dont know. All of the above was just random ranting.. Here is the main course.

I don't see the importance of studying! We are all studying so hard for a piece of paper that has no eternal value. Really is it worth it? I rather enjoy but its life. Everyone looks at your achievements, at your grades and most of them will judge you from that. Why do we study so hard!! Everyone says, "Say hard, so that God's glory be revealed... But it is really true?? I don't really know anymore... Non-christains also score well. So really, what is difference???!!

I know its wrong to think that way.. Studying is suppose to benefit my future.. But really, do I really bother -.-" LOL.. If I did, I would be a mugger now sio!! Haha!! And then I won't have so many people making me study :/ Haha!!

So really, why should I study!! Sigh... For a better future and all they say. But I say, I study just because I study... So may God help me study for a purpose. Because I really can't find any!!

God, help me to study for a reason, for a purpose! I find this lifestyle dumb! I don't see the use of it!! But oh God, you have a plan and may you open my eyes to see that!!

P.S This is a super delayed post which should have been published on the 4th of July!! LOL!!


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