DI's Love Moment

Open my eyes to see...

The sense of fulfillment yet the sense of burden. Being blessed while trying to be a blessing, hearing stories of lives of people who are suffering and more needy...

Yet one conversation with a old lady keeps playing in my mind. I never expected to be kept talking for so long, as the other rhema dudes were doing the other 11 units and waiting another 10 minutes for me to finish. 

It was really inspiring to hear her so ready to converse with me. Hearing about her problems, the things she is doing, how she plans to study in a poly after her operations and telling me about how she is scare about the operation and all. To cap it off, I never expected I would be allowed to pray for her. 

Truth be told, it was challenging. I wasn't mentally prepared for the challenge. Giving out gifts without engaging in converstaions would be simple but engaging in conversations and praying for "strangers' would be absurd. Called to love.  

Well, I really don't know how to explain the thoughts going through my brain but today, God showed me how he paved a way for me to serve Him, and He showed me how he used me to build his Kingdom cause. To God be the Glory. Let me be a spirit filled man.. Or guy as I prefer.. ^^


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