Shivering in the Corner..

Well, hi all. Haven't been blogging much, nothing much to say. Just joking, been lazy.

So then, just wanna share something. I have a pretty interesting brain, or everyone's brain is interesting, but I'm either stimulating it for weird stuff because I can come out with so many imagery.

For example, imagine with me an image of a small helpless boy, in the corner of a house and he is shivering in fear and really afraid as you see an intimidating shadow figure somewhere in the corner of this image.

"I'm scared of this guy..." says the boy, "I want back the other guy"

Yup, that is kind of the imagery I am getting. Sometimes the new and improved version isn't better when it loses the real authentic side of it.

Yet time is a constantly moving forward, no turning back, no turning back time. And as time passed me by, as I watch the human race, there is a growing disgust for this race. How it conforms to system, hows it is so weak, how it is so self-centered, how it fails to see things, how, how, how.. There is a growing disgust within me growing and thats not good, I need to stop this disease from spreading and consuming my inner being before it kills me. Everything I find something good humans do, they do something that takes them 2 steps back.

Then I ask, "what is the beauty of life?" because only when I can see that answer can I stop it.

Its a battle to regain my place within my own body. Who would know that 2012 would all created such a drastic and chaotic situation/ survivor series that a side that had always been lurking was so inhuman to emerge, someone so cold and seemingly heartless could exist.

I wouldn't like to believe that Yue Seng is long gone, instead, I know he would say these words, "I will be back home soon. Wait for me." Although that dude is another interesting character to say the least.


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