Another song from Hillsong!! This is our God album!! There!! The album is great. Or in my opinion it is... Wakaka.... LOL.. As you watch this. Read ther lyrics!! Casting all else aside!! For the joy of our Lord JESUS CHRIST!! May he bless you, speak to you through this video. Lefa! Can we play this after my Os??
Things that weren't meant to be, will never be meant to be. Yet, I still try believing that there is still hope. To drag yourself through the pain barrier, to persevere till where I stand, to endure all the pain my body, heart and mind can withstand, to choose not to give up even though you know the possibility of failure is as good as 99%. I come to the point where I know I'm crazy and should let fo. But is that really possible and really what I want? Well then. On another note, to feel vulnerable makes me feel weird and uncomfortable. A guy who usually is able to hold it all together, lost it all in a trigger point. To hear me speak with vulnerability, is weird, uncomfortable but relieving still. I'm still human but it wouldn't surprise me if I return to a "hold it all" mode.
So... I should give brief updates shouldn't I? Well, recently, I have been travelling a bit lately. To Taiwan and to Thailand. So let's start with Taiwan. So Taiwan was a holiday with my army friends. We went for a period of 10 days? or more. Am not really putting much effort to recalling the length of the trip but it doesn't matter. More important were the memories made there which I would admit, was not as fun as my first trip there probably because it is with a larger crowd, and I have seen some of the things there before. I still managed to do some of my shopping and all. See sheeps, limestones and other sight seeing places like Sun Moon Lake. Gosh, but was the new year period a bad time. We got stuck in the jam for like almost a whole day. Leaving us with just the evening for one of the last few days. First time at a Geopark, at a sheep farm, attending a countdown party in Taipei, and chilling at a cafe in Taiwan. Other than that, all were mainly repeats like Shi...