Fret for As?

Would fretting now work? Does my A'level result matter?

 I would bet you that everyone is going to be fretting their night away. I can't sleep because I woke up at 4.29pm yesterday not cause I'm fretting. But what help does it do? Would the outcome change now? Nope. But I know that my God is in control. Jesus reigns, was is and forever.

Running past cemeteries at night helps because it struck me. All these Christains laid to rest here, I choose to believe they are up in Heaven, looking down on me as I was running past their tombs. And they managed to hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant" because they fulfilled their purpose on Earth, doing what was important.

Then my attention turned to tomorrow. Which is friday. And I didn't see a need to fret, wasn't at that point and leading up to that point and still ain't. But remembering what God has assigned me to do now, to mould and shape lives. Then kaboom. Friday, was instead maybe going to be the last time I saw some of the people I met in school for the rest of my life. How have I impacted was the question that hit me straight in my face.

The lives you see around you, that is what matters more than some dumb cert I am going to need to get into Uni. Make the best of the time you have with them. Because the future is uncertain just like how one moment you see, the next, you realize I'm gone.


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