
Showing posts from March, 2013

Good Friday 2013

Well, as I continue to collate all that I have been through the past week, and continue to journal it down in a post that will be very long. I just wanted to say.... Nah, I have nothing to say really. I got no video to share too... But Good Friday and Easter have just passed.... And before I flew, I was searching for a good video to screen. So here is my choice.

20 March 2013

Things that weren't meant to be, will never be meant to be. Yet, I still try believing that there is still hope. To drag yourself through the pain barrier, to persevere till where I stand, to endure all the pain my body, heart and mind can withstand, to choose not to give up even though you know the possibility of failure is as good as 99%. I come to the point where I know I'm crazy and should let fo. But is that really possible and really what I want? Well then. On another note, to feel vulnerable makes me feel weird and uncomfortable. A guy who usually is able to hold it all together, lost it all in a trigger point. To hear me speak with vulnerability, is weird, uncomfortable but relieving still. I'm still human but it wouldn't surprise me if I return to a "hold it all" mode.

HArlem shake

Well, enjoy. See what the kids got to say.. With some fun fact in it and how to do the dance.. Watching how teens, adults and kids react and answer certain videos and questions. Really opens up your eyes to how others are thinking... And sometimes, its saddening.. At the same time, you find out some of the viral videos around, like Fred.. LOL...

Fret for As?

Would fretting now work? Does my A'level result matter?  I would bet you that everyone is going to be fretting their night away. I can't sleep because I woke up at 4.29pm yesterday not cause I'm fretting. But what help does it do? Would the outcome change now? Nope. But I know that my God is in control. Jesus reigns, was is and forever. Running past cemeteries at night helps because it struck me. All these Christains laid to rest here, I choose to believe they are up in Heaven, looking down on me as I was running past their tombs. And they managed to hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant" because they fulfilled their purpose on Earth, doing what was important. Then my attention turned to tomorrow. Which is friday. And I didn't see a need to fret, wasn't at that point and leading up to that point and still ain't. But remembering what God has assigned me to do now, to mould and shape lives. Then kaboom. Friday, was instead maybe going to be t...