Was I a fool?
Was it noble or an act of foolishness?
Well, until now, I still can't decide between the two. What I did in the RJ match, was it worth it? I really don't know, all I know is that I am suffering the consequences of it.. It was a Dejavu moment when I collapsed on the pitch, probably once in a lifetime thing too.. Haha! All I remember was the referee's back was facing me, then I blanked out for awhile, then I coughed and woke up again to see a lot of people around me. Then I got carried off lah, felt really dizzy... Oh ya, we won the match btw.
Many of my teammates asked me after the game if I was alright. I feel the bromance yo! haha!! They all said I gave them a scare. Feeling like a master-troller now.. Haha!! They all knew I was sick before the match, even my coach knew. But I still started the match, interestingly to my surprise. Then my health got worse and worse as the match went on, but being stubborn. I didn't want to signal to my coach to take me off. I wanted to play... So now, I am suffering :(
Well, in a way, I can't take deep breath, like there is discomfort when I do so. Imagine yourself after a run, you will be breathing heavily right? that the breathing that I have discomfort now.. OMG, so much discomfort for me!! >.< Then on Saturday, I blew my nose. Usually its just mucus right, either transparent or green (flu), my was a interesting colour of red! :O Blood sio, totally likeaboss. I think I am going to die soon.. :/ Also have been coughing a lot, like can cough until it feels like your lungs are going to come out. Then body aches, headaches and all..
But still, despite all these consequences, I am thankful I am alive and not dead. The event really taught me the importance of having your heart beat and your nose inhaling air. Yet, I won't condemn my actions saying I was a fool, or was I? I still can't decide, you know!
After the match, people were congratulating me on a job well done, and then told me to rest well/ take care, some saluted me for the fact that I threw my life on the line today. Even my teacher praised me for my actions. Yet, there are some people who think I was a fool, putting my life in danger. Honestly, there are some parts of me thinking I was a fool and also some that think I did the right thing. I am confused right now, so confused. Can't afford to be when I take myself to the pitch.. :/ Need an answer..
Hate having two views, two different views. I am a blur sotong!!! >.<
Many of my teammates asked me after the game if I was alright. I feel the bromance yo! haha!! They all said I gave them a scare. Feeling like a master-troller now.. Haha!! They all knew I was sick before the match, even my coach knew. But I still started the match, interestingly to my surprise. Then my health got worse and worse as the match went on, but being stubborn. I didn't want to signal to my coach to take me off. I wanted to play... So now, I am suffering :(
Well, in a way, I can't take deep breath, like there is discomfort when I do so. Imagine yourself after a run, you will be breathing heavily right? that the breathing that I have discomfort now.. OMG, so much discomfort for me!! >.< Then on Saturday, I blew my nose. Usually its just mucus right, either transparent or green (flu), my was a interesting colour of red! :O Blood sio, totally likeaboss. I think I am going to die soon.. :/ Also have been coughing a lot, like can cough until it feels like your lungs are going to come out. Then body aches, headaches and all..
But still, despite all these consequences, I am thankful I am alive and not dead. The event really taught me the importance of having your heart beat and your nose inhaling air. Yet, I won't condemn my actions saying I was a fool, or was I? I still can't decide, you know!
Hate having two views, two different views. I am a blur sotong!!! >.<