Prelims - Week 1

Hey dudes, I doubt I will be blogging a long post but here are some stories, very interesting short short stories about God's faithfulness and my bad luck. :( Hahah...

E-Maths miracle:

Well, my first two papers were English Paper 1 and E-Maths paper 2. Haha.. But i will just talk about the E-Maths paper coz something amazing happened. LOL.. I was doing my SD question. So SD means you go use the calculator lah. Or at least that how I would do it. Then so I go press the values in SD mode. However my calculator cocked up!! Big time!! Everytime I press store the values, it blanks out!! Then I also blank out lah!! I thought I GG... I tried 3 times, all fail!! my calculator pang sei me during exam!! Imba nia!! Then thank God!! siddenly, my calculator revived itself!! It started working again!! Woohoo!!! Then I happy lah.. Wow.. I just got 75/100 for that paper!! Coz I see my marks le!! But Prelims ain't over!! Ahah.. Thank God... O Praise him!! Hehe.. However, my calculator spoiled straight after the exams!! But who cares!! I bought another one le.

SS super suay-ness

OMG!! Was the reaction when i saw the paper!! I was like wat the bleah.. I think I kinda flunk the paper le coz I did not know how to write for my essay because all the chapter I did not study for, come out!! Oh mine!! I studied 5/8 chapter leh!! If you studied 5/8 chapters.. you would expect that one chapter that you studied for would come out right? I did, but the paper did not!! Alamak!! Flunk le.. :( This is going to be bad, my strongest subject just went down the drain.. sigh.. LOL... Nvm, prelims nia is the mindset :D then if Os, it will be just Os NIA!.. :D

History uphill task, hopeful

LOL.. I had no mood to study history actually. I am still unable to believe I was so suay!! :( LOL.. I will need about 40+/50 marks for my history le.. And well, I did not really study the whole book. I just studied 2/7 chapters and took the exam.. Well, at least I can do so it should be better than my SS paper but I need 40+ marks!! God help me!! LOL.. I wrote 9.5 pages long for the whole exam! :D Hopeful they are all not crap though. then can get a lot of marks!! :D God, you are in control. May your will be done, not mine... Have your way

Maths Double kill!!

LOL.. This is actually week 2 le, but nvm.. LOL... Well, I was mugging pretty late last night coz I needed to clock up and make up for the hours lost in the hospital on Sun. So I mugged till my father turned off all the lights so that I can't see and continue mugging then I will be forced to sleep. LOL.. Maybe I should have slept earlier coz during the E-Maths paper 1, which i will need to obtain 60/80 to get a A1, I slept.. :x Yes, I fell asleep doing the paper! I was like super tired!! I think it was due to all the fatigue accumulated in the past weeks. Aiyo... So I hope for the bet le lor.. LOL.. then A-Maths was killer.. :( There goes my targets... They ain't going to be met.. :( LOL.. But hey, prelims are coming to an end soon...

LOL... I better go and mug now.. BB :D


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