God Will Make The Way


Rejoice despite my sorrows!!! Rejoice for God will show the way!!

Well, I was suppose to miss the first day of D.I Camp as there was another camp that clashes with it but now.... Woohoo!!!

Thank God, I can join you guys man!! though late as i still got training but ya, I will make it!! Lefa, I promise you :D!!! LOL.... I promise I will free myself until I can lead worship with you guys :D!! Woohoo..

So at least, I am down meaning that one obstacle is down :D I am free... Now only Eugene and Nick might not make it... But Bros, I urge you to pray coz that was what I did...

And now, I shall go into details if you want to know it....

I was doing Q.T last night and I was reading the birth of Jesus and how God has really perserved the Son of god and the Son of Man that no harm was afflicted on him.... God protected him, and the family chin that led to the birth of Jesus.

And it leads me to think, "Wow, God. Indeed when it is your will, you are make sure that it is done no matter what people try to do to destroy his works! Indeed God is in control!! That he will show the way!!" Amen!! :D Then I prayed, and really. Everything is falling into place!! God will show the way!! :D

So it leads me to sing this song: God Will Make a Way.
    God will make a way,
    Where there seems to be no way
    He works in ways we cannot see
    He will make a way for me
    He will be my guide
    Hold me closely to His side
    With love and strength for each new day
    He will make a way, He will make a way.

    By a roadway in the wilderness, He'll lead me
    And rivers in the desert will I see
    Heaven and earth will fade
    But His Word will still remain
    He will do something new today.

    God will make a way,
    Where there seems to be no way
    He works in ways we cannot see
    He will make a way for me
    He will be my guide
    Hold me closely to His side
    With love and strength for each new day
    He will make a way, He will make a way


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