My Return

Thank God,

He is strengthening me and I have an issue which I needed to settle. I am afraid to continue living with that issue as I fear the day that God will judge me. And all I needed to overcome it is discipline and so I have vow not to do it and better, even not entertain that thought.

God has told me that my foundation in the Word was begining to showed signs of falling down. That was a issue which was solved. Thanks to God whom has used us to shine his glory. I needed the grace of God then and I remembered what is the true meaning of the grace of God. I needed God to discipline me. And he did but not the way of hurting me, like bring me to suffer hardship. I might have suffered have many attacks from the Devil. I was badly wounded, both in the physical and spiritual realms.

When I went to Church on 17/08/2008, hoping for redemption from God. on that day, I hear the word from God throught Dr. Joseoph Akintunde. God had given him this burden which he has shared with the church and how true it was. I needed the fire from the Holy Spirit. I needed it because I needed it to let me see the true light again. I needed it to get me back on the path that will lead me to Heaven. I needed it to see the direction from God. At first, i felt very dead. I was not worshipping God. I was still seeking for redemption. I was listening to the words of truth. I was seeking. I was seeking for redemption!!!!!!!!!!!!

I listened to the message, God had spoken to me. And when Dr. Joseph Akintunde asked for those who raised their hands to come down to the altar of get the fire of the Holy Spirit. I went down. I was seeking now the fire from the Holy Spirit.

When I was down, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit a.k.a the Holy Ghost. He was moving in that place. When Dr, Joseph Akintunde laod hands on me, he said "receive the grace of God" and that was what I was searching for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was also healed. I felt a new leg was given to me. My spraine ankle did not feel any pain. I could walk properly again. Actually, I can walk properly but that was forcing it lah so this is truly something great coz now I do not need to massage my ankle and waste my time :)

And so, I thank God for what he has done to me and what he is doing to me for they are going to make me become a better person. Thank you, Lord.

I am also very happy that Jun Hoong is back with us and now, I can step down by a bit but it does not end my calling. So Jun Hoong is back and now, I wait for my return. This young warrior is returning to his Father as a better person.
By the way, this song impacted me a lt and brought back memories for me, it is called "God of this City"

You are the God of this City
You are the King of this people
You are the Lord of this nation
You are
You are the light in the Darkness
You are the hope to the hopeless
You are the peace to the restless
You are
There is no one like our God
There is no one like our God


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