30 Dec 12
And so... Well, don't really wanna share anything at all. But that when I have the most to share. Ironic but true. Alright, perhaps just gave Nic a brief insight into stuff. 6 months is a long time, many things happened during that period and I was given the privilege to clarify the events with the him yet at the same time making myself vulnerable. Technically, I'm holding back my tears. Gosh, I think a lot right now. Was asked to think of something to give thanks. By right, we scan through the milestones in the year to find something to say. So guess what I found!! Nothing!! Nothing big at happened to me this year was happy, joyful to be about. Not even my birthday. But there would be things to give thanks for. Small things, minor things. I remember blogging if the one word to summarize my year. I won't repeat, I seldom do. At most, strike 3 and you are out. Find it yourself if you want. Then again, that sounds so much like me. The guy who has played his cards very...