Sigh..... First was friday.... now the Saturaday!! Back to back bad days!! :( Well.... Today was MUPC (Manchester United Preimier Cup) We were in the Quater-finals, and were close to getting a medal and I think many school would expect us to win it as we were the 2nd best school in soccer last year...and since Sports School was not taking part, we were the favourites. Well, many things has happen since then... our captain leaving, Faddy quited. Amirul wanting to go Sports School, Some having to represent Singapore in the Youth Olympic 2010 so they could help us in the MUPC so we were not at full strength but we were in the Quater-finals barely!!! I have to thank God for that coz in the Second round, We had to beat Victoria Sec to make sure were in the Quater-finals then Someone gave them a penalty!! Ah La Mah.... I thought we were gone. Then suddenly and amazingly... hey missed the penalty!!!!!! Then I also have to thank god for wat he did during the MUPC Quater-finals coz against Fuch...