Streaming Option Form
How siah? Why the streaming options so difficult to choose ah? I also don't know what will happpen in the future then still want me to think about my career? Since can't choose so my mum say that I should aim to become an engineer lor. But I want to be a soccer player only, me no think so far one. Then my option super good one, I just lazy lazy choose option 1,2 and 3.My Mum say all those are the cream choice that why the school go put first few. The option all difficult to get one, ok then like that need to work super and ultra hard lor. If you know me, then you should know that I am a .......... SLACKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have already submitted the form so hope I will get in. I will try to meet my so called "targets" and stay in Class 2A. ( I was 1C last year, their learning speed like tortise siah, I self learn one lor only for maths forumlas which I though might come in useful. And I studied a bit for my exams as I made a deal with my mum saying if I do well for m...